Shixiang Tang   唐诗翔

Postdoctoral Researcher

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Email: shixiangtang (at)

Google Scholar / Github

About Me

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, working with Prof. Wanli Ouyang. I obtained my Ph.D. degree (2023) in University of Sydney. I obtained my Bachelor of Physics (2016) in Fudan University and Master of Philosophy in Physics at Chinese University of Hong Kong. My Ph.D. advisors are Prof. Wanli Ouyang and Dr. Dong Yuan.

My research interests include human-centric visual computing, human-centric foundation models.

Academic Services

Special Session Chair, The 7th IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2 2023).
Invited Reviewer for journals and conferences, including TPAMI, IJCV, TIP, TMM, TCSVT, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS, ICLR, etc.


Australian Government RTP Scholarship (International), Austrilia, 2020
Faculty of Engineering Career Advancement Award, University of Sydney, 2023
CVPR Doctoral Consortium Award, 2023

Research Summary

We are dedicated to enabling AI to understand humans and their interactions with the world, aiming to have machines not only mimic human behaviors but also genuinely learn the ways humans perceive and understand the world.
Specific research areas include:
• 以人体为中心的感知、生成任务:基于自监督学习、大语言模型、扩散模型等技术建立统一的感知生成一体化的基础模型, 实现高精度的多模态人体感知、人体重建、人体生成,解决虚拟现实、智慧体育等领域的关键问题。
Unified Models for Human-centric Perception and Generation Tasks: Building a unified foundational model for perception and generation that leverages self-supervised learning, large language models, diffusion models, etc., to achieve high-precision multimodal human perception, human mesh reconstruction, and human generation, addressing key issues in fields such as virtual reality and smart sports.
• 类人世界模型:基于世界模型的技术路线,让模型通过观察人类与世界的交互方式,学习到人类级别的感知和行动能力,促进虚拟助手、具身智能的进一步发展。
Humanoid world models: Developing human-level perception and action capabilities in models through the technical approach of world models by observing the ways humans interact with the world, promoting further development of virtual assistants and embodied intelligence.
• 多模态大规模行人重识别:研究文字、换衣、红外等多模态场景下的大规模行人重识别方案,设计统一的模型完成任意条件下的行人检索, 为城市安全、智能交通系统、零售分析等多个领域提供价值。
Multimodal large-scale pedestrian re-identification: Researching large-scale pedestrian re-identification solutions in multimodal scenarios such as text descriptions, clothing changing, infrared videos, etc., designing a unified model to complete pedestrian retrieval under any conditions, providing value to urban safety, intelligent transportation systems, retail analysis, and more.


Yuan Wang, Zhao Wang, Junhao Gong, Di Huang, Tong He, Wanli Ouyang, Jile Jiao, Xuetao Feng, Qi Dou, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author) , Dan Xu
Holistic-Motion2D: Scalable Whole-body Human Motion Generation in 2D Space
Arxiv, 2024.
Weizhen He, Yiheng Deng, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author) , Feng Zhu, Yizhou Wang, Lei Bai, Qingsong Xie, Donglian Qi, Wanli Ouyang
Instruct-ReID++: Towards Universal Purpose Instruction-Guided Person Re-identification
Arxiv, 2024.
Jian Liu, Jianyu Wu, Hairun Xie, Guoqing zhang, Jing Wang, Liu Wei, Wanli Ouyang, Junjun Jiang, Xianming Liu, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author) , Miao Zhang
AFBench: A Large-scale Benchmark for Airfoil Design
Arxiv, 2024.
Qingsong Xie, Zhenyi Liao, Zhijie Deng, Chen Chen, Shixiang Tang, Haonan Lu
MLCM: Multistep Consistency Distillation of Latent Diffusion Model
Arxiv, 2024.
Hongjian Liu, Qingsong Xie, Zhijie Deng, Chen Chen, Shixiang Tang, Xueyang Fu, Zheng-jun Zha, and Haonan Lu
SCott: Accelerating Diffusion Models with Stochastic Consistency Distillation
Arxiv, 2024.
Jian Liu, Xiaoshui Huang, Tianyu Huang, Lu Chen, Yuenan Hou, Shixiang Tang, Ziwei Liu, Wanli Ouyang, Wangmeng Zuo, Junjun Jiang, and Xianming Liu
A Comprehensive Survey on 3D Content Generation
Arxiv, 2024.
Yizhou Wang, Yixuan Wu, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author), Weizhen He, Xun Guo, Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Jian Wu, Tong He, and Wanli Ouyang
Hulk: A Universal Knowledge Translator for Human-Centric Tasks
Arxiv, 2023.

Research on Computer Vision

Yixuan Wu, Yizhou Wang, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author), Wenhao Wu, Tong He, Wanli Ouyang, Jian Wu, and Philip Torr
DetToolChain: A New Prompting Paradigm to Unleash Detection Ability of MLLM
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
Sha Zhang, Di Huang, Jiajun Deng, Shixiang Tang, Wanli Ouyang, Tong He, and Yanyong Zhang
Agent3D-Zero: An Agent for Zero-shot 3D Understanding
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.
Yaqi Zhang, Di Huang, Bin Liu, Shixiang Tang, Yan Lu, Lu Chen, Lei Bai, Qi Chu, Nenghai Yu and Wanli Ouyang
MotionGPT: Finetuned LLMs Are General-Purpose Motion Generators
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2024.
Honghui Yang, Sha Zhang, Di Huang, Xiaoyang Wu, Haoyi Zhu, Tong He, Shixiang Tang, Hengshuang Zhao, Qibo Qiu, Binbin Lin, Xiaofei He, Wanli Ouyang
Unipad: A universal pre-training paradigm for autonomous driving
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Weizhen He, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author), Yiheng Deng, Qihao Chen, Qingsong Xie, Yizhou Wang, Lei Bai, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang, Donglian Qi, Yunfeng Yan
Instruct-ReID: A Multi-purpose Person Re-identification Task with Instructions
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Zixuan Hu, Xiaotong Li, Shixiang Tang, Jun Liu, Yichun Hu, LINGYU DUAN
LEAD: Exploring Logit Space Evolution for Model Selection
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
Shixiang Tang, Cheng Chen, Qingsong Xie, Meilin Chen, Yizhou Wang, Yuanzheng Ci, Lei Bai, Feng Zhu, Haiyang Yang, Li Yi, Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang
Humanbench: Towards general human-centric perception with projector assisted pretraining
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
Yuanzheng Ci, Yizhou Wang, Meilin Chen, Shixiang Tang, Lei Bai, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Fengwei Yu, Donglian Qi, Wanli Ouyang
UniHCP: A Unified Model for Human-Centric Perceptions
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023.
Kaijian Liu, Shixiang Tang (co-first author), Ziyue Li, Zhishuai Li, Lei Bai, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao
Relation-Aware Distribution Representation Network for Person Clustering With Multiple Modalities
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2023.
Haiyang Yang, Xiaotong Li, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author), Feng Zhu, Yizhou Wang, Meilin Chen, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang
Cycle-consistent Masked Autoencoder for Unsupervised Domain Generalization
The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2022.
Yizhou Wang, Meilin Chen, Shixiang Tang (corresponding author), Feng Zhu, Haiyang Yang, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Yunfeng Yan, Donglian Qi, Wanli Ouyang
Unsupervised object detection pretraining with joint object priors generation and detector learning
Advances in neural information processing systems (NeurIPS), 2022.
Shixiang Tang, Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Chenyu Wang, Wanli Ouyang
Unifying visual contrastive learning for object recognition from a graph perspective
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
Shixiang Tang, Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang
Relative contrastive loss for unsupervised representation learning
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
Haiyang Yang, Shixiang Tang, Meilin Chen, Yizhou Wang, Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Wanli Ouyang
Domain invariant masked autoencoders for self-supervised learning from multi-domains
European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2022.
Zhikang Wang, Feng Zhu, Shixiang Tang, Rui Zhao, Lihuo He, Jiangning Song
Feature erasing and diffusion network for occluded person re-identification
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Yizhou Wang, Shixiang Tang (co-first author), Feng Zhu, Lei Bai, Rui Zhao, Donglian Qi, Wanli Ouyang
Revisiting the transferability of supervised pretraining: an mlp perspective
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022.
Shixiang Tang, Peng Su, Dapeng Chen, Wanli Ouyang
Gradient regularized contrastive learning for continual domain adaptation
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2021
Yi Zheng, Shixiang Tang (co-first author), Guolong Teng, Yixiao Ge, Kaijian Liu, Jing Qin, Donglian Qi, Dapeng Chen
Online pseudo label generation by hierarchical cluster dynamics for adaptive person re-identification
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision (ICCV), 2021
Shixiang Tang, Dapeng Chen, Lei Bai, Kaijian Liu, Yixiao Ge, Wanli Ouyang
Mutual crf-gnn for few-shot learning
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021
Shixiang Tang, Dapeng Chen, Jinguo Zhu, Shijie Yu, Wanli Ouyang
Layerwise optimization by gradient decomposition for continual learning
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021
Jinguo Zhu, Shixiang Tang, Dapeng Chen, Shijie Yu, Yakun Liu, Mingzhe Rong, Aijun Yang, Xiaohua Wang
Complementary relation contrastive distillation
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021
Bo Zhao, Shixiang Tang, Dapeng Chen, Hakan Bilen, Rui Zhao
Continual representation learning for biometric identification
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF winter conference on applications of computer vision (WACV), 2021

Research on AI4Sci

Xiangying Shen, Chenchao Fang, Zhipeng Jin, Hua Tong, Shixiang Tang, Hongchuan Shen, Ning Xu, Jack Hau Yung Lo, Xinliang Xu, Lei Xu
Achieving adjustable elasticity with non-affine to affine transition
Nature Materials (NM), 2021.
Qiong Gao, Jingdong Ai, Shixiang Tang (co-first author), Minhuan Li, Yanshuang Chen, Jiping Huang, Hua Tong, Lei Xu, Limei Xu, Hajime Tanaka, Peng Tan
Fast crystal growth at ultra-low temperatures
Nature Materials (NM), 2021.
Yanshuang Chen, Zhenwei Yao, Shixiang Tang, Hua Tong, Taiki Yanagishima, Hajime Tanaka, Peng Tan
Morphology selection kinetics of crystallization in a sphere
Nature Physics (NP), 2021.